Investor Relation

The Prevention of Insider Trading

The Company has established “Procedures of material information” to prohibit internal personnel from buying or selling securities by using undisclosed information to the public, and as reference for the Company's handling and disclosure of material information. In order to further prevent insider trading, “Corporate Governance Principles” stipulates that prohibiting directors from trading the Company’s shares during the closed period of 30 days prior to the publication of the annual financial reports and 15 days prior to the publication of the quarterly financial reports. The procedures have been disclosed in the Corporation's website.


  1. When directors assumed office, we provided “Compliance Brochure for Directors and Supervisors”, “Guide to Regulations Governing Independent Directors” and “Directions Concerning Securities Market Regulatory Matters for TWSE Listed Companies and Their Directors, Supervisors, and Major Shareholders” to them, and explained relevant regulations.
  2. Plan an annual training program for directors, including but not limited to courses on preventing insider trading. In 2024, directors are scheduled to attend the “Prevention of Insider Trading and Insider Equity Transactions Seminar” hosted by the TWSE.
  3. In December 2024, we informed internal personnel about the updated “Regulations and Precautions for Changes in Equity of Insiders of Listed Companies” issued by the Taiwan Stock Exchange. The update includes a Q&A on pre- and post-reporting requirements for insiders, short-swing trading disgorgement, insider trading, and other related issues, providing the latest compliance guidelines.
  4. Sent emails to directors 30 days prior to the publication of annual financial report and 15 days prior to the publication of quarterly financial report, reminding them not to trade the Company's stocks during the closed period.
  5. In 2024, employees participated in courses on preventing insider trading and protecting business secrets, with a total of 989 participants and 792 hours of training.